WBBA Announces Services! Also: Volunteer seminar and other opportunities.

Introducing Business Services!

After lots of feedback and many requests from our small business community, the West Bank Business Association is excited to announce that we will begin adding consulting to our business services! We’re starting small to address immediate needs in marketing, web development and meeting facilitation.

Services will be offered at competitive rates, with discounts extended to WBBA members. You can find out more about services by visiting the WBBA website here: http://www.wbba.thewestbank.org/?page_id=1174

Recruitment, Retention & Reward: Volunteer Management Basics.

One of the number one issues to come out of our Strategic Planning survey was capacity and resources. Well – we’ve got a great seminar coming up that can help you with just that!

Next Thursday’s workshop will focus on the essential basics of working with and utilizing volunteers. We’ll talk about creating a volunteer position or program for your organization, how to motivate and manage volunteers effectively, and how to reward volunteers in order to sustain a volunteer base for your organization. If time permits we will also talk about Internships and the differences and values of cultivating an internship at your organization.

Presented by Lucas Schulze, Communications & Program Specialist at the WBBA and former Volunteer Coordinator for the Loft Literary Center.

Thursday October 16, 4:00pm at Oren Gateway Center.

Licensed Food Business Forum

The Health Department wants to know how to better support restaurants and other licensed food businesses in Minneapolis.

What does the Health Department need to improve?

What would help you get a better score on your inspection?

Would you like to improve your understanding of City and State food codes?

Would you like business development information?

Food safety training for your staff?Attend a Food Forum with City of Minneapolis Health Department staff to tell them your ideas.

Tuesday, October 21
10 a.m. – noon
Minneapolis Central Library,
Doty Board Room
300 Nicollet Mall

The forum is free.

If you need translation services please contact Leslie Foreman at leslie.foreman@minneapolismn.gov or Call: 612-673-3544.

Next Graffiti and Area Cleanup – October 24

Join us as we continue to help keep our neighborhood greener and cleaner! We’ll be picking up some of the trash that blows in, and removing some of the light graffiti.

We’ll have gloves, bags, eco-friendly graffiti removal kits, water and snacks for you.

Volunteers can sign up here:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17bY8ETbniA0Is8PTVFlT9QsIYjtvvmRE6QMwP0ktnTE/viewform

Help us reduce snipe graffiti on Cedar!

And last but not least – would you like to host a community billboard?

As part of our efforts to help curb some of the snipe graffiti in the area, we have purchased several indoor/outdoor bulletin boards ($200 value) available to Cedar Ave businesses for a $100 match.

If you’re interested in hosting a community board, please message me! (Jamie@thewestbank.org).

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